Sunday, January 16, 2011

2011 Seminars are announced.

I was just on the Björklunden page and the 2011 seminars and registration forms are up! only 6 1/2 months till Björklunden Photography returns!!!!

Register Here

Creating Better Photographs with Your Digital Camera

July 31-August 6
Sunday-Saturday; $850 double; $1125 single; $360 commuter

Digital cameras are complex in the variety of operations they can perform. This seminar will clarify those numerous settings on your camera to give you greater control over the photographs you create and make digital photography easier. In addition, we will explore the art of photography and ways to use that camera as a tool of self-expression. Daily assignments and field trips will be offered to stimulate your imagination and creativity. These assignments will concentrate on improving compositions, portraits, close-ups, motion and night photography. In the evening, we will edit photographs and learn simple tools to enhance your images. There is a computer lab at Björklunden that can be used to download images, but students are encouraged to bring a laptop computer if possible.

Recommendations to bring to the seminar: A digital camera, the camera's instruction manual, a USB flash drive and a simple tripod.

There is a $20 lab fee to cover ink jet paper and ink.

Philip Krejcarek is a professor of art at Carroll University and chairman of the visual and performing arts department. He has taught at Carroll for the past 33 years and he is the author of the book, “An Introduction to Digital Imaging.” His work has been displayed in national exhibitions and has been included in collections at the Milwaukee Art Museum, The Denver Art Museum, Wustum Museum of Fine Arts and the Haggerty Museum of Art.

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